Hi my name is BLOG
An introduction of sorts.
For those of you that don’t know me too well yet I wanted to introduce this blog in a manner that I felt comfortable with, so this is that.
I would like you to understand that I AM AN ARTIST and I identify as both a photographer AND a comedian. —No this isn't a hackey conservative 'i IdEnTiFy As A _________' type of "joke" <eyeroll> —rather it's a dead-ass, sincere, clarification about who I am and what I am doing here in this blog/website, in my career, in my life.
This is important to me because the comedian side is much more apparent in my writing than it is in my photos and I don't want anything I do to take anyone by surprise or to open myself up to the asinine criticisms of "this is not _________" or "stick to _________."
I'm an artist and I refuse to be put into a box because of someone else's narrow views.
Anyway, to help clarify I have listed both what this blog is all about and what it’s not all about below.
What this blog is all about:
Whatever the fuck I want
What this blog is NOT all about:
*unless I want to write about bullshit.
Ok. Maybe that was a tad facetious. But it’s coming from a real place.
I have a problem with a lot of "photographers" —and I was one of these for a while —which is that they blog about COMPLETE BULLSHIT. Whether it’s the “top 10 ways to de-stress your wedding day,” “3 tips for getting the best newborn photos,” or “fun ideas for a family photoshoot that everyone will enjoy!” <BARF> IT’S ALL HORSE SHIT! And it's not just the wedding and portrait photographers doing this shit you'll see fine art photographers blog about "the top 5 benefits of having art in your house" or whatever cookie cutter bullshit they're trying to shovel down your throat. It’s all straight marketing to get you to buy into a product or service. While it may be coming from real experience or maybe even a real desire to share information those types posts are ALWAYS meant as avenues to sell the reader something. They’re not real blogs.
In a way you could say I am trying to do exactly what they're doing because I'm trying to sell you on me, but also in so many ways I'm not doing aaaaaaanything link that. And to be fair, I'm actually not trying to sell you on me. My goal is to share all my different sides of my creativity and expression. If you happen find any of that relatable, enjoyable, insightful, helpful, etc. then THAT'S FUCKING AWESOME and I think you'll find a lot of stuff that you like here. And if you don't like my stuff that's ok too, I mean... you may want to start doing some brain exercises or schedule an appointment with a neurologist because it doesn't speak highly of your intellect, but it's still ok! <--[THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF MY HUMOUR]
So if you do support me in any way whether its appreciating my writing/photos, or buying every print, book, or film project that I produce please know that I am truly thankful to have your support. As someone who didn't come from money I understand that it is important for me to make a living, but I also want to be able to share my work with folks who might not have the means to buy my art. So that's a big reason that I have this blog.
All in all, I created this blog to be a place where I can share photos, maybe with a fun anecdote or some kind of backstory on how they came about AND at the same time I want it to be a place where I can share my thoughts and opinions on anything and everything. From the political turmoil that we are currently suffering through as a nation, to the fact that not enough people know about the Showtime series "Episodes" starring Matt LeBlanc which is one of the funniest shows ever written. Essentially, it's a place for me to share any form of artistic expression that can fit on this 2 dimensional plane that you're currently looking at.
So if you're only here for a certain type of art, there will be plenty of that for you and for the shit you don't like you can scroll on by, but I will say this: IF you’re a fan of at least one of my artistic expressions, there's a good chance you'd probably like the other stuff too. I'm just saying...
In conclusion, I dunno if that was clear AT ALL or if this is useful to anyone other than myself, but that's pretty much what this is and will be. If there's a change to my approach I'll let you know.
Either way thanks for taking the time to read my bullshit.
-Richard :)
P.S. Please enjoy these images from my portfolio at the time this was originally published.