Rumba Ketumba: the Music Project Begins
A post about the beginning of a documentary photography project centered on music —and there’s other cool stuff too! (Not really though).
I was at the Subaru dealership getting my car a long overdue oil change and servicing. Just sitting on the patio furniture, reading my book (Brandon Stanton's "Humans"), and listening to some music when my phone rang from a number that I didn't recognize.
-A little context: I subscribe to the idea that "things happen for a reason" or in a nutshell, the universe will present you with gifts if you're open, willing, and looking for them. This serves me well in my street photography and in life. Ok back to the story-
When I get a call from an unknown number it's usually pretty hit and miss. This day, I answered.
It was a musician (Stuart) that I had met maybe nine months ago when I was out on filming "man on the street" interviews all around town for a documentary project that I am currently working on. He was calling to see if I could film an upcoming show, but it was too short of notice and it didn't work out for that particular gig.
Unbeknownst to him, I had been contemplating "music" as a personal photo project for a couple months and I was feeling like this could be the universe speaking to me, so I asked if he'd want to set up a photo shoot down the line. To both of our excitement he was interested. So I ended the call feeling really connected with the universe and genuinely stoked about finding a natural starting point for my music project.
As I settled back into my surroundings I look past the coffee table, to the chair cater-corner to mine and see a man, maybe sixty, playing what looked like a green, toy, nylon string, guitar. Only he is not just playing it, he is playing the shit out of it! And singing too!
My headphones were still in but since I just got off a call there was nothing coming through. I listened surreptitiously as he shared a beautiful Latin tune. "What a talent" I thought. And what crazy timing after my "music project" just slapped me in the face out of nowhere!
After he finishes his song, I compliment his playing and singing and we get to talking.
He tells me he's rehearsing some songs for a weekend wedding gig he had a couple hours away in Palm Springs.
He told me how he lived in several Latin countries and how he'd been playing guitar for some time. He told me a great anecdote about how he met some of the Gypsy Kings, and an even more surreal story about how he randomly met Tony Bennett.
I told him a little about my past and my complete obsession with photography (The Sickness) and how I always carry a camera with me.
It was a great conversation with such a kind and open soul.
It wasn't too long until my car was ready so we swapped info and he told me he had a gig the following Thursday with a newly formed band.
I looked at his card, John "Juanito" Tidwell, gave the obligatory "nice to meet you" and told him I'd be there.
The gig was at Cafe Sevilla in the Gaslamp Quarter in Downtown San Diego. I'd never been before but the vibe was essentially everything that I imagined it would be. Upscale restaurant with a Latin theme and live Latin music.
I showed up a little too early so I spent a good couple of hours shooting some street photos around the downtown area and wandered back in time to meet Jaunito as he was the first one to arrive and begin setting up.
He tells me that there are three other band members and raves about how great they are. Having spent many days of the last week listening to some of Jaunito's albums from another band he plays with, I was not surprised. The guy is crazy talented and even though he may be one of the nicest people on the planet, I couldn't imagine him playing with bums.
The rest of the band popped in one by one and eventually they get set up and start playing. The first song is a slower one. It sounds great and the crowd seemed to dig it but on the following song they started playing some dance rhythms and you could feel the energy build in the room. It was electric.
Jaunito had told me this was the band's first time playing together and that they hadn't rehearsed at all, but they were clearly all strong enough musicians that it didn't matter at all. Not for a second.
Jaunito's eldest son, a musician himself, even sat in with the band for a song as he belted out the vocals in a very Mars Volta like wail. There's definitely something in the water at Jaunito's house!
All in all it was a great night. From the moment they started playing they were in the groove, having fun, and surfing that wave of energy that filled the room. It was magic.
It was magic, revealed to me by a chance encounter at a car dealership service center.
The universe is speaking to us all, we just have to listen.
If the universe sent YOU here, check out Jaunito's band Rumba Ketumba which are featured in the photos or his other band Malamana who has music on Spotify.
Thanks for reading,
-Richard :)